How I operate my Ham Radios?
I have five QTH sites for my operation
1. Home QTH Plzeň JN69QQ
2. 2nd QTH Holýšov JN69NO
3. Remote QTH Krkavec JN69QT
4. Remote QTH Žandov JN79NU
5. Remote QTH Staňkov JN69MN
1. Home QTH Plzeň JN69QQ

Mosley PRO-67C 40-10m beam
G0KSC SC6-4-11D 50/70MHz dual band 11el. antenna
2M12 M2 antenna for 2m
Skewed wire going down from top = Half Sloper for 80m
The whole tower is shunt feed loaded for 160m
For local operation on 160m to 4m I´am using the Yaesu FTDX10 TCVR and the Yaesu Quadra PA.
For 2m and 70cm is the FT-897 from Yaesu and Beko Solid State PA.
For remote control of my other sites I have here two K3/0 from Elecraft, remoterig.com boxes and all necessary equipment .
For remote output power control I use the LP-100A Digital Vector Wattmeter.
For rotator control I use the YO3DMU PstRotator Software (control of local antennas and four rotatable antennas at QTH nr.3)
2. Second QTH Holýšov JN69NO
At this QTH I have the control equipement for remote operation.
No other TX/RX and antenna than for the QO-100 satelite.
I´am using the DXPATROL QO-100 Groundstation with the Yaesu FT-857 TCVR, antenna is the 80cm dish.
For remote control of my other sites I have here two K3/0 from Elecraft, remoterig.com boxes and other equipment.
With this setup I can fully controll my remote sites.
3. Remote QTH Krkavec JN69QT
My main remotelly controlled QTH at 504MASL near Plzen.
My tower is at the right side.
At the left side is the TV tower with many antennas.
More pictures you can find on my Facebook pages
At the top of my tower is the biggest PRO96S for 40/30/20/17/15/12/10m from Mosley.
3m under an 5m left is the 2M12 antenna from M2.
Both rotatable.
From the top of the tower goes 80 / 60 m inverted V folded wire antenna, which is central feeded.
At the roof of the building is 4m / 6m Innova G0KSC 7+7el antenna and a long 70cm 38el. antenna from M2 (USA).
Site is fully remotelly controlled.
Rig is the Elecraft K3 ant the solid state Expert 1,3kW PA
For 2m I have the DB6NT TR144H+40 transverter with Beko 600W out transistor PA.
For 70cm the DB6NT TR432H transverter with Beko 350W out transistor PA.
Transverter Switch Unit is the TR6SW from DB6NT, IF is the Elecraft K3 TCVR.
4. Remote QTH Žandov JN79NU
My large antenna system for DXing.
Top of the tower is at 65m above ground.
Located 550MASL.
Switchable system for 4 main directions 40 / 130 / 220 / 310 deg.
Equipment: Elecraft K3 + driver + OK7GU made PA with 2x SRS457 (5kV/1A).
Not shown in near area is 7 Beverages for RX (35/215deg, 85/265deg, 150/330deg, 195deg)
Another view with full lenght 160m / 80m four square dipoles
5. Remote QTH Staňkov JN69MN
My another remotely controlled QTH